
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Week 1 - Wednesday Weigh-in!

First up - a confession. I've been following the nutrition and exercise to the letter but came a little unstuck last night. We have some huge decisions to make, and we succumbed to the stress and bought wine. And I drank more than one glass. And this morning running seems a bit out of the question.

But. I will get back on that horse today. Back into the nutrition. I will try to run this afternoon after work, even though I usually do them in the morning. This was just a blip.

OK - so our first official weigh in day! I was a bit worried that I'd undone all my good work. But the scales said 75.8kg. Woot! So happy with that! And inspiration to keep putting one foot in front of the other :-)


  1. Don't beat yourself up for a couple of drinks. I am happy for you that the scales went in the right direction!

    1. I'm amazed they did! We shall see if I go backward this week :-)
