I heard a great quote the other day: "That's not sweat, it's liquid awesome!"
So after Monday's "long" run, I did cycling on the stationary bike on Wednesday plus some strengthening exercises, 30 minutes of running intervals on Thursday, swam laps on Friday and then today (Sunday) I got up early (for me) and did my first ever long run of 1 hour - all running, no walking! Not super fast at 8:14 min/km, but I covered 7.32km!!! So proud of me!
Liquid awesome! |
I have two weeks until the Sydney Running Festival. I am entered in the 4km Family Fun Run event, but am considering upgrading to the 9km Bridge Run. Both go over the Sydney Harbour Bridge and end up at the Opera House. But obviously the 9km one is longer...I should be able to do it (before the cutoff time of 1hr 30min). Mmm....
Loving Melissa Etheridge "I Run for Life" for inspiration:
Very impressive! Great video/song.